Train your brain!
Let you subconscious work FOR you!
GoalMapping is a tool for personal and group motivation, drive, leadership, self-leadership, leadership and sales training is my focus area. For me, the basis for being able to do a good job is that you have found personal motivation. with their drive / why – their “meaning of life” and with the guidance of the drive you can find how to get there – set your short and long goals – GoalMapping is a powerful tool. You make your plan to achieve the goals – identify which resources and people you need help from. Setting goals is important to steer one’s subconscious and active thinking in the desired direction.
Who do You want to be?
At least as important is to be / genuinely behave in a way that supports this … In fact, research shows that we admire “our heroes / role models” more for what they are (helping, cordial, genuine …) than for what they are achieved (Title, world champion …). LifeMapping helps me find the way I want to be / be experienced as.